How to turn off emoticons in Windows Live / MSN Messenger

Emoticons are ok, when used sparingly, or not talking to your boss.
The last thing you need in the latter situation is for your conversation to be littered with

lol emoticon or emoticon or even worse emoticon

To disable them, first click the icon circled in red below.
Alternatively, you can press the Alt key.

Click tools - options

Either way, you need to select Tools –> Options.

In the resulting dialog, you need to select Messages, then untick Show emoticons.

Click messages, then untick Show emoticons

2 responses to “How to turn off emoticons in Windows Live / MSN Messenger”

  1. Dennis avatar

    I tried this in Windows Live Messenger, multiple times, with Windows Live Mail open/closed/etc., and the change has no effect whatsoever on Windows Live Mail.



  2. Ken avatar

    1. Download & install WLM Beta
    2. Go Alt+F, Options, Mail, Compose tab
    3. Deselect Emoticons (and Photo e mail if you want)

    MS fixed it.

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