Tag: Blogging

  • Ass-Kissing Blog Comment Spam

    Recently, I have been receiving a large amount of a different kind of comment spam on my WordPress blog. In an effort to get around the Akismet spam protection, they have created several variations of the same kind of poor English, brown nosing comments… that effectively mean nothing. The whole point of them, is to…

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  • Using JoeBlogs -metaWeblog API Wrapper

    Step 1 Download the latest release of JoeBlogs from Codeplex (Click the Downloads tab, and select the latest download) Step 2 Unzip the contents of the downloaded zip file. (I usually copy DLLs I am going to use into a “lib” folder at the root of my solution) Step 3 Add a reference to BOTH…

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  • C# WordPress Wrapper

    Ok, I’ve barely finished this as a stable release, but I thought I’d post this up any way…. A little open source project I’m working on – Joe Blogs. In a nutshell, it allows easy communication to your WordPress (or other blog) via an xml-rpc interface. Big thanks to the work by Charles Cook at…

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