Tag: outsourcing

  • Review of nightmare with Elance provider (WebHouse)

    I’ve used eLance for various outsourcing projects for a number of years. (Great for small tasks, and an extra pair of hands until the 25th hour in a day is discovered!) Sure, I’ve had my fair share of problems, however, all have been amicably resolved, talking with eLance and the contractor. WebHouse (Md. Zakir Hossain…

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  • 100 new followers on twitter, bought for a Fiverr

    After signing up to Fiverr, I decided to give it a try. Someone with a somewhat copyright infringing username of Twitter offers: Twitter: I will sell you 100 real Twitter Followers for $5 (http://www.fiverr.com/users/Twitter/gigs/sell-you-100-real-twitter-followers) There were plenty of others offering the same, if not more followers, but they required your username and password, and would…

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  • What can you get for a Fiverr? – A quick review on Fiverr Marketplace

    New marketplace Fiverr allows you to outsource those small tasks you may have, for a fixed fee of $5 (aprox. £3.30 depending on how the exchange rate is behaving) Fiverr allows people to list things they would do, for $5. In return, Fiverr takes $1 from the value of the order, leaving the person providing…

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