Tag: spam

  • Registration Form Used To Send Spam Via Welcome Email

    Registration Form Used To Send Spam Via Welcome Email

    While reviewing a client site, I recently noticed a small number of accounts had registered with spurious firstName and lastName values such as: firstName:You have 5 new messages from Patty: lastName: http://www.nsbe.org/impakredirect.aspx?url=http://project1200995.tilda.ws After some digging, it appeared these customers had legitimate email addresses, however had placed no orders, nor had they interacted with our site.…

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  • reCaptcha enabled on comments

    I’ve recently noticed a lot of blog comment spam on my blog. Where  some-one kisses-bum in order to “trick” me into accepting  their comment. For example: Howdy there,this is Everett Krajcer,just discovered your web-site on google and i must say this blog is great.may I share some of the Post found in this website to…

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  • Ass-Kissing Blog Comment Spam

    Recently, I have been receiving a large amount of a different kind of comment spam on my WordPress blog. In an effort to get around the Akismet spam protection, they have created several variations of the same kind of poor English, brown nosing comments… that effectively mean nothing. The whole point of them, is to…

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