Mocking calls to ApplicationContext.Current.Services

My current contract involves working on a project based on Umbraco.

Unit testing Umbraco, can be a bit tricky, especially given the existence of the static ApplicationContext.Current.Services class, which contains handy references to the Umbraco services – provided by a static type! We can’t mock this.

So, I created a little wrapper around this that would allow us to mock the returned service, via an interface


In the implementation, I use reflection to return the underlying service from ApplicationContext.Current:

    public class GetUmbracoService : IGetUmbracoService
        public T GetService()
            where T : IService
            var serviceTypeProperty = ApplicationContext.Current.Services
                .SingleOrDefault(x => x.PropertyType == typeof(T));

            if (serviceTypeProperty == null)
                return default(T);

            return (T)serviceTypeProperty

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