
Base checksum mismatch – A solution for TortoiseSVN users.


I recently had the misfortune to get a Base Checksum Mismatch error, when I tried to check in files to my repository. The problem occurs when the files svn data has become corrupted. There are many solutions to this problem, but here’s how I solved it simply (I only had 2 files that had this error) Check in everything except the files that are causing the issue. Take a fresh checkout to a...

Windows Azure – Firefox & “Port Restricted for Security Reasons”


I’ve been starting to delve into the world of Windows Azure this week. After getting the Azure Samples loaded, I tried running one of them (just by hitting F5 in VS) and, as Firefox is my default browser, got a “Port Restricted For Security Reasons” error. Of course, it worked fine in IE Here is what to do – It turns out, that my application was trying to use port 87 on...

Fix for Mail Enable – %1 is not a valid Win32 application.


As mentioned in a previous post, I am in the middle of changing my hosting, from a reseller account, to my own VPS. After working closely with eHosting support, I’ve managed to beat into submission the large majority of the features required. One thing however, was the installation of MailEnable Standard (the free one) It didn’t come with any form of web mail client. Some emailing...

Session_Start event not firing


I’ve been scratching my head about this one for sometime… As I’m sure your aware (or you wouldn’t be reading this) in the Global.asax file, we have the following method: protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { } Placing a breakpoint on this method, I attached the debugger, ran up my application, and the breakpoint was not hit… What I would of...