String.EndsWithAny and StartsWithAny Extension Method


It frustrated me that while String provides the StartsWith and EndWith method, it doesn’t provide an EndWithAny. So, if I wanted to see if a particular string started or ended with any specified string, I would have to create my own method to return a true or false.
Whilst this is fine, it’s a little clunky if I want to use it in various places in my application.

For this reason, I decided to create an extension method:


public static bool EndsWithAny(this string input, params char[] endings)
	foreach (var x in endings)
		if (input.EndsWith(x.ToString()))
			return true;

	return false;

The method is very similar for StartsWithAny:

public static bool StartsWithAny(this string input, params char[] beginnings)
	foreach (var x in beginnings)
		if (input.StartsWith(x.ToString()))
			return true;

	return false;

I’ll write up a post on Extension Methods as soon as I get a chance.

For now, the MSDN one may help….