Tag: JoeBlogs

  • JoeBlogs wrapper moved to GitHub

    Following from my plea for help for JoeBlogs I finally got round to learning Git. The project has now been moved to GitHub: http://www.github.com/alexjamesbrown/joeblogs I will eventually move the Wiki / Docs to the page also. If anyone would like to become a contributor, please contact me on GitHub

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  • Joe Blogs Wrapper V2 – Help required

    I’m on the verge of being able to release a second, much improved version of the Joe Blogs WordPress & MetaWeblog API Wrapper. Some very brief details below, and a cry for help (or several cries!) New Features / Improvements Friendlier API Instead of having to deal with the XML-RPC interfaces directly, I’ve added a…

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  • Creating a new post in WordPress using the JoeBlogs library

    A few people have recently been asking how the NewPost method works within JoeBlogs First, you need to create an instance of Post. Then, set the following properties: dateCreated Fairly self explanatory, but you should set this to today’s date (or whatever date you wish the post to be set as published) title The title…

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  • JoeBlogs – Typo in dummy URL fixed

    I’ve recently had a few comments that the JoeBlogs wrapper wasn’t working – and they were getting an “invalid response” or more specifically “Response XML not valid XML-RPC – missing methodResponse element.” It seems that I had a typo in my comments in JoeBlogs.TestHarness/Program.cs on line 15: //typically http://www.yourdomain.com/xmlprc.php (if your wordpress blog is installed…

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  • Using JoeBlogs -metaWeblog API Wrapper

    Step 1 Download the latest release of JoeBlogs from Codeplex (Click the Downloads tab, and select the latest download) Step 2 Unzip the contents of the downloaded zip file. (I usually copy DLLs I am going to use into a “lib” folder at the root of my solution) Step 3 Add a reference to BOTH…

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  • Specify XML-RPC Endpoints at Run Time With CookComputing XMLRPC.net

    A common question when using Cook Computing XML RPC.net to talk to blogs etc… is how to specify a blog / endpoint at runtime? Most of the examples seem to specify the details in an attribute… not much use if you’re trying to develop a wrapper. To enable me to create JoeBlogs, I made use…

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  • C# WordPress Wrapper

    Ok, I’ve barely finished this as a stable release, but I thought I’d post this up any way…. A little open source project I’m working on – Joe Blogs. In a nutshell, it allows easy communication to your WordPress (or other blog) via an xml-rpc interface. Big thanks to the work by Charles Cook at…

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