Heart, music, diamonds and other cool symbols on Facebook and other things

Ever wondered how to get those cool little symbols in wall posts, status updates, messages etc… on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc…?

This kind of thing: ☼ ☻☺ ♪ ♫ ♥

Well…. you can either copy them off this page, or use the key sequence next to them:

To get these to work:

You will need to have Num Lock ON
Also, you’ll need to use the number pad – the bunch of numerical keys on the right of the keyboard (on a pc)

Press and hold the “Alt” key (usually bottom left of your keyboard) followed by a number (see below)
Please note, the symbol will only appear AFTER you release the Alt key.

1 – ☺

2 – ☻

3 – ♥

4 – ♦

5 – ♣

6 – ♠

7 – •

8 – ◘

9 – ○

10 – ◙

11 – ♂

12 – ♀

13 – ♪

14 – ♫

15 – ☼

16 – ►

17 – ◄

18 – ↕

19 – ‼

20 – ¶

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