Tag: facebook

  • How to block Facebook event invites

    Sick of all the event invitations from various promoters / clubs you happen to be friends with on Facebook? Here’s how to block them: Step 1 Click on “Privacy Settings” under the “Account” drop down menu (top right hand corner)   Step 2 Click on Edit your lists, under Block lists Step 3 You can…

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  • Facebook notification spam – someone ”likes” your photo

    Recently, a lot of people have  been “liking” my photos. Unfortunately, the notifications are sent out by various versions of a new form of Facebook spam application. Clicking on “your photo” – in a hope to see which photo this person liked, takes you to a page where you’re asked to allow an application access…

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  • Problem with Firefox 3.5.2 and Facebook

    After upgrading to Firefox 3.5.2, I’ve been having trouble with Facebook – certain pages would take ages to load (if load at all) The photos page was a particular problem. At first, I thought the problem could of been with Facebook – some of their AJAX user interface getting carried away or something, however I…

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  • Heart, music, diamonds and other cool symbols on Facebook and other things

    Ever wondered how to get those cool little symbols in wall posts, status updates, messages etc… on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc…? This kind of thing: ☼ ☻☺ ♪ ♫ ♥ Well…. you can either copy them off this page, or use the key sequence next to them: To get these to work: You will need…

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  • Facebook Usernames

    In the last couple of weeks, Facebook has finally started supporting usernames… So instead of giving people long urls, with your user id (a long number) you will now be able to give: www.facebook.com/alexjamesbrown (like the way MySpace did it from the outset) To get yours, go to: www.facebook.com/username

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