Missing Files from DotNetNuke 4.9.4 Starter Kit causing error

I downloaded the latest release of the Dot Net Nuke Starter Kit (Version 4.9.4  released on 23rd June 2009)

I followed the instructions to install the Visual Studio templates etc… as found here
They are a little outdated, but the same process still applies.

Upon installing it, loading a new website, I selected the DotNetNuke Web Application Framework (pictured below)

DotNetNuke Web Application Framework

The template began loading, and after a short while, two errors popped up:

The file Blog_03.05.00_Install.resources could not be found within the project templates.
Continuing to run, but the resulting project may not build properly.

The file ActiveDirectory_01.00.05_install.resources could not be found within the project templates.
Continuing to run, but the resulting project may not build properly.

(see below)

The file Blog_03.05.00_Install.resources could not be found within the project templates.  Continuing to run, but the resulting project may not build properly.

The file ActiveDirectory_01.00.05_install.resources could not be found within the project templates.  Continuing to run, but the resulting project may not build properly.

Of course, I Googled the error.
It seems other people are having the same problem as me – here and here.

That got me thinking – it must be something actually missing from this release of the template.

I opened my Visual Studio Templates Directory > Project Templates > Visual Web Developer > Visual Basic
In there, there is a DotNetNuke.zip

To make poking around the files easier, I unzipped it to my desktop.

I opened up DotNetNuke.vstemplate in Notepad2 (but of course opening in VS would also work)

On lines 1186 and 1210 of this file, we see the problem:

Line 1186 DotNetNuke.vstemplate

Line 1210 DotNetNuke.vstemplate

If you open up the folder Install \ Package you will notice 4 files:

  • CardSpace_01.00.00_Install.resources
  • LiveID_01.00.00_Install.zip
  • OpenID_01.00.00_Install.zip
  • PlaceHolder.txt

Notice the missing ActiveDirectory_01.00.05_install.resources – yet it is specified in the DotNetNuke.vstemplate!

The same goes for Install \ Module
Again, a bunch of files are listed, however the missing Blog_03.05.00_Install.resources is not there!

This is obviously an error on the release.

2 responses to “Missing Files from DotNetNuke 4.9.4 Starter Kit causing error”

  1. Jim avatar

    Hi there… Has anyone figured out what gives with this error? I downloaded and tested DNN 3.x sometime ago and thought it would be great in the right situation. As it turns out, I have the right situation now, so I downloaded the latest stable release (5.4.1) The starter kit (as with 4.9.4 apparently) is missing files…. And when I say files, I mean hundreds it seems. When I try to create a new VS2008 project from the starter kit template, I get an endless stream of alerts telling me the files are missing. UGH!

  2. Samantha avatar

    Jim –

    Did you ever get a resolution to the problem? I am getting a headache from banging my head on my keyboard.

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