Auto Tag Generator Plug-In for Windows Live Writer

Auto Tag Generator is a plug in for Windows Live Writer that enables tags to be generated from a block of text (or the whole of the post)


Project can be downloaded from Codeplex here


To generate tags, simply highlight all of the text (or a relevant section) and press “Inert Auto Generated Tags” in the Insert menu on the right hand side.
The tags are then displayed in a list (shown below)

You can delete any tags generated by pressing the Del key, or right clicking, and clicking delete (the list is sometimes a bit random… but this is due to the Term Extractor API)

Hit Ok, and the tags are copied (comma separated) into the clipboard, for you to paste in to the Tags section in Windows Live Writer.

The tags generated for this post were:

auto tag
relevant section
tag generator
single day
source code
open source



  • Currently, the post text has to be selected before selecting “Insert Auto Generated Tags”
  • Due to the limitations on the Yahoo Term Extractor API, only 5000 requests can be made in a single day from each IP address. I can’t see anyone reaching that limit… but I just thought I’d mention it!
  • You need to manually paste them into the tags section on WLW… this is something I’m working on. (feel free to help… it is open source!)

Source Code

I’ll be posting full details, and a little tutorial of how what and why etc…. shortly.
Until then, the project is on Codeplex, with no documentation.



17 responses to “Auto Tag Generator Plug-In for Windows Live Writer”

  1. […] Auto Tag Generator plugin is useful for those users who find it difficult to list down the tags from blog post. To generate tags, simply highlight all of the text (or a relevant section) and press “Inert -> Auto  Tag Generator” in the Insert menu on the right hand side. […]

  2. […] Auto Tag Generator plugin is useful for those users who find it difficult to list down the tags from blog post. To generate tags, simply highlight all of the text (or a relevant section) and press “Inert -> Auto  Tag Generator” in the Insert menu on the right hand side. […]

  3. […] Auto Tag Generator plugin is useful for those users who find it difficult to list down the tags from blog post. To generate tags, simply highlight all of the text (or a relevant section) and press “Inert -> Auto Tag Generator” in the Insert menu on the right hand side. […]

  4. John Monroe avatar

    I was using this auto tag generator to assist me with my drug rehab articles for in windows live writer. It makes it so much easier for me to post articles about drug addiction in Des Moines, IA. THANK YOU!

  5. LHenry avatar

    Anyway you could update the plug-in to never select of use certain words?

    I’m constantly removing words like DIV and POS and ID and OBJECT; it’s picking up HTML code…

    Request small update please.

  6. Max avatar

    Hi Alex,

    I wanted to try out the plugin but for some reason I can’t access the Options screen (and the plugin Insists I go to the options first).

    Everytime I click options I get the following:

    Method not implemented by plug-in:

    Is there a way around this? Also yes Im quite new to blogging, is there an alternative to your plugin for live writer?

  7. Max avatar

    Uh…Please disregard, I totally fubar’d this – theres another plugin called TagCreator via file name but called Automatic Tag generator otherwise I confused your plugin with the other guys Doh! >_< please disregard my last message also Please Ask Kelly Morten to change his plugins name (I've tried requesting it but maybe it works better when its one dev to another 😉

  8. Bo avatar

    I am new to this kind of plugin, so I deleted.
    After deleting, there’s leftover in wlw option menu.
    How can I remove them?


  9. 許・美美 avatar

    May I just say that you sir, are a genius? *u*;;;

    I never really understood how to tag posts properly, and this auto-generator simplifies things for me. Thank you!

  10. budblack avatar

    Can it offer to Chinese?

    1. Alex avatar

      I guess if the Yahoo api supports chinese…?

  11. 許・美美 avatar

    Uh oh… there’s a system error on this plugin now…

    > System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.


    1. Alex Brown avatar

      It seems this has now been discontinued, and reborn as “content analysis”
      I will try and get this plugin up on GitHub and patch it.

  12. Inf vmes avatar
    Inf vmes

    hello, it shows a error. Any solution for this? thanks

    System.Net.WebException: No se puede resolver el nombre remoto: ‘’
    en System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
    en System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
    en WindowsLiveWriter.TagGenerator.TagGenerator.GetTags(String content)
    en WindowsLiveWriter.TagGenerator.TagForm..ctor(String content)
    en WindowsLiveWriter.TagGenerator.TagGeneratorPlugin.CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, String& content)
    en WindowsLive.Writer.PostEditor.ContentSources.ContentSourceManager.PerformInsertion(IContentSourceSite sourceSite, ContentSourceInfo contentSource

    1. Alex avatar

      Hey, this plugin won’t work any more, as Yahoo have discontinued the required api!

      1. Inf vmes avatar
        Inf vmes

        thanks friend

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