Reset IDE settings in Visual Studio 2008

I recently acquired a PC at my new job where there was an existing installation of Visual Studio.

This was fine, however it was set up for a developer.
Whilst I do use, I didn’t want my VS set up this way.

I wanted to re-instate that lovely screen you see when you fresh install VS (below)


To do this, simply click:

Tools > Import and Export Settings Editor


Click Reset all settings


I didn’t backup my settings as the guy working here before had gone… But this screen gives you the option to.


And there we are.
All settings can be reset to a theme of your choice.

9 responses to “Reset IDE settings in Visual Studio 2008”

  1. […] recently reset my settings in Visual Studio which, irritatingly, made my line numbers […]

  2. Jacint Jago avatar

    It’s not really working.

    1. Alex avatar

      in what way is it not working? I’ll try and help you…

  3. Siddharth Menon avatar


    Got it working again. Was looking for in Tools >> Options

    Siddharth Menon
    Creative Director

  4. Adrian Gouder avatar
    Adrian Gouder

    You may choose Reset Window Layout in the Windows Menu.

  5. Vinay avatar


    I had set a theme setting for vs2008, and thought of reverting it back,so I did reset all the settings but it is not reverting back even to the original settings.

    The code at the script part of the html tags are still holding the same theme’s font behaviour.

    Please help me out to reset each and every aspect of vs2008,such I may regain the same settings and layout.

  6. Vinay avatar


    I had set a theme setting for vs2008, and thought of reverting it back,so I did reset all the settings but it is not reverting back even to the original settings.

    The code at the script part of the html tags are still holding the same theme’s font behaviour.

    Please help me out to reset each and every aspect of vs2008,such I may regain the same settings and layout.

    Thanks and Regards

  7. Vinay avatar


    I am unable to revert back to factory settings.
    I earlier did set a theme setting for my vs2008.
    On resetting back it doesn’t completely reverts back to the original settings what I had earlier.
    Is there any way to achieve the same.

    Thanks and Regards

    1. Alex avatar

      I’m not sure I fully understand… Please see this:

      Open the Visual Studio Command prompt and type:

      Devenv /ResetSettings

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