
Beware of Facebook Phishing scam based on ‘Local’ news


This particular phishing scam is currently in circulation on Facebook. An account will post a clickbait news story, relevant to your local area, designed to cause panic – a child abducted, for example. (I’ve obfuscated the name / photo of this, as it’s likely the account was a compromised account – probably from a similar sort of scam When you click on the post, it takes...

Registration Form Used To Send Spam Via Welcome Email


While reviewing a client site, I recently noticed a small number of accounts had registered with spurious firstName and lastName values such as: firstName:You have 5 new messages from Patty: lastName: After some digging, it appeared these customers had legitimate email addresses, however had placed no orders, nor had they interacted with our site. Looking at the logs, these emails had received...

Link buying spam from Discover Media


I received a spam email earlier this week from a guy claiming to be John from Discover Media, asking to place an article on my blog, with a link to his ‘client’ site.His email address was Hi,I work for a company called Discover Media, acting on behalf of...

Scam Warning – Email with subject ACTION REQUIRED: A document has arrived for your review/approval (Document Flow Manager)


Received this email earlier this week… After some googling, I have determined that it’s a scam, and there’s usually a zip file attached. GMail had removed this zip file though I think. This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender immediately...