Download emails from GMail in a specific label with GMVault

I recently wanted to download around 20,000 emails from a specific label in my gmail account.

To do this, I used GMVault.

I’m not going to talk through the basics of setup / using this as it’s already talked about at length on the GMVault site.

However, in order to get it to download only the mails in a specific label, you will need to do a custom sync.

The command I used was this:

gmvault sync –type custom –gmail-req “in:LabelNameGoesHere”

This worked fine, however all files were compressed.

To solve that, we can simply add —nocompression like so:

gmvault sync –type custom –gmail-req “in:LabelNameGoesHere” –no-compression

Now, all emails are downloaded as .eml files from the LabelNameGoesHere label

2 responses to “Download emails from GMail in a specific label with GMVault”

  1. Niilo Alhovaara avatar
    Niilo Alhovaara

    Got exactly the same error msg as Kenny Eliason – would appreciate feedback a lot!

    1. Nasyarobby NP avatar
      Nasyarobby NP

      Got that error too. After that I decided to read the manual and got it working with this command:
      gmvault sync -t custom -g “in:part”

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