Parallels 8 Upgrade – Moving windows in Windows 7 snapping back

I recently upgraded my copy of Parallels desktop from version 7 to version 8.

As soon as I had done, I noticed the supposed “improved multi-monitor support” wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

If I had a window open, and dragged it to the other monitor (either from external to macbook, or vice versa) it snapped back!

See video:


Parallels have now released a hot fix which fixes this issue.
It would have been nice if they’d tested this before releasing in the first place however… 

As per their support site, follow these instructions:

Please update Parallels Desktop 8 to the latest build. To obtain the update, please do the following:

1. Start Parallels Desktop > click on Parallels Desktop menu > Check for Updates...
2. Download and install the Update.

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