
Using Mediatr with Azure Functions


I’ve used Mediatr for some time, to reduce controller action bloat, and have spoken about it a few times, on how I use it to avoid the classic ‘xService’ pattern: Controller Action -> ‘Service’ -> Repo Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of work with Azure Functions, and would like to be able to use Mediatr, as I can in Core. Up until recently, this has...

Reliably Processing Azure Service Bus Topics with Azure Functions


At ASOS, we’re currently migrating some of our message and event processing applications from Worker Roles (within classic Azure Cloud Services) to Azure Functions. A significant benefit of using Azure Functions to process our messages is the billing model. As an example, with our current approach, we use a Worker Role to listen to subscriptions to Azure Service Bus topics. These Worker Roles are...

Disable gzip responses in Azure Functions


By default, responses from Http Triggered Azure Functions are gzipped: Not all clients are able to handle this (although they should be) Turning it off isn’t particularly trivial. A change needs to be made to applicationhost.config – which is located in LocalSiteRoot/Config However, this file is readonly, so the change needs to be made via a xdt transform. In the Azure portal...

Better assertions when verifying Moq’d methods have been called

Man wearing fake glasses and moustache

Moq, according to its GitHub page, is “The most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET”. Mocking frameworks allow you to create a ‘fake’ version of a dependency (typically an interface, or abstract class). With this fake, you can then instruct the methods return values, or invoke behaviour. Alternatively you can assert the methods were called, with a certain set...

Reversing hashes of PwnedPasswords api using number of breaches


I was recently working on a requirement to log the number of breached sites a password appeared on when customers were registering (if that password had been breached at all) Importantly, we are not logging the breached password itself (nor the hash of the password) – just the number of breaches that particular password appeared in (as per the Pwned Passwords data set) So, to log this, I’m...